By Eric Petrie ’24
RAMSEY, NJ – Wednesday night (January 17) was the LEO Ironworks. 5 groups presented, starting with Merged, then Harvest Cart, then Seedlife, EVT, and finishing with Novi. Senior Nicholas Zuppe was the MC for the night.

The presentations went well, with each group pitchng its proposal for ten minutes and then answering questions for another ten. Before each group got up on the stage, the members of the group practiced in an assigned classroom. I, as well as a few other L.E.O. veterans, floated around the classrooms, coaching the groups as they went through their dry runs.

After the fifth group completed its presentation, representatives from three of the five groups that didn’t make it to Ironworks came up to talk about their businesses. Peter McCarron talked about his group, Ekos. Then, Charles Schnaars talked about his group, Mental Match. Finally, I talked about my group, Physiopro. When we finished, Zuppe closed out the portion of the program in DeSales auditorium and sent everyone to the Savio cafeteria for refreshments, as we awaited the decision from the judges.

After about twenty minutes, the judges came to the cafteria to announce the winners. The people’s choice went to Seedlife. Seedlife wanted to bring small gardens, organic gardens to those who couldn’t have them (such as people living in cities). The second place group was then announced – Harvest Cart, winning $2,000. Harvest Cart supplies the under-marketed and under-resourced local farms with the proper marketing and advertising to build brand awareness.

Finally, Zuppe announced the winning group, EVT, winning $5,000. EVT offers an internet-based curriculum and hands-on educational platform. It is designed to train local independent mechanic shops in electric vehicle technology, combining online learning with in-person interactive sessions.

Everyone was ecstatic, and many pictures ensued. Each judge also got a “thank you” bag with Bosco merchandise at the end of the night. After conversing with the judges, and the judges explaining why the winner won, the night was over. It was a good culmination to the two-year L.E.O. course and a good ending to the hard work the L.E.O. groups put in to their businesses.