By Nicholas LoBrutto ’25
RAMSEY, NJ – For Day 3 of Spirit Week, throughout the entire school, students, faculty, administrators and staff were dressed in their favorite sports jerseys. Professional and college team jerseys predominantly proliferated around the campus, creating a montage of colors and team images.

Day 3 officially began with students and faculty in their homerooms, competing in a baby picture guessing game involving photos of current faculty members. Each homeroom’s choices were recorded on a Google Form and submitted to Mr. Falco.
Finally, around 12:50 PM, the joyful and entertaining competitive events of Spirit Week Day 3 commenced after an opening prayer from Br. Travis.

For the first of the festivities of Spirit Week Day 3, students of all grade levels competed in a game of Pickleball. After two hard-fought rounds, the Freshmen faced the Seniors in the final round. The Seniors ended up winning the match, securing their point lead for the day.

The second event of Spirit Week Day 3 was the game Hungry Hippos. All the grades competed together, with the Seniors, powered by the voracious efforts of Jack Brady, emerging victorious over the other grades by a great margin.

The final event of Spirit Week Day 3 was a thrilling game of Musical Chairs with all grade levels participating at once. As the game went on, the competition became fiercer, as students grabbed chairs from the line to ensure they had a seat. After close to 10 rounds, two opponents were left — Junior Noah Granados and Senior Lucas Hofmeister. Noah Granados won Musical Chairs for the Junior class in a memorable, action-packed final round.

Needless to say, the Don Bosco Prep student body evinced its spirit, wildly cheering the participants on through the three competitive events.