By Liam Morley ‘23
RAMSEY, NJ – Don Bosco Prep is home to many distinguished alumni, each of whom has a unique journey beyond Bosco. In the case of James DePierro, DBP Class of 2012, this journey led him back to Ramsey, where he had the opportunity to reunite with many of his former teachers. Today, we will learn more about Mr. DePierro’s journey, and what led to his eventual return to Bosco.

For Mr. DePierro, being able to see how Bosco developed from the day he stepped foot on campus to the day he rejoined as a member of the faculty is a privilege few have. When asked about his time at Bosco, and what has changed, Mr. DePierro had a lot to say. For him, Bosco had changed for the better. While many of his own teachers had remained, including Mr. O’Connor, Mr. Kilduff, Mr. Campbell, and Mr. Zawacki, other aspects of the school changed radically. Mr. DePierro believes the school has blossomed into a more well-rounded, and diverse place for all students. During his time, he can recall a smaller selection of clubs, and not having access to many activities current Bosco students enjoy, such as the Robotics team. However, this does not mean Mr. DePierro was not involved as a student. In fact, Mr. DePierro was an active participant in various extracurriculars, including Debate Club and Math Honor Society. And on top of balancing difficult academics and school-sponsored activities, Mr. DePierro also participated in a wide variety of extracurriculars in his hometown.
After Bosco, Mr. DePierro went on to attend the University of Notre Dame, where he graduated with an honors degree in mathematics. With respect to Notre Dame, Mr. DePierro holds his time there in high regard. Despite it being a very different school than Bosco, Mr. DePierro thoroughly enjoyed his time there, and would highly recommend it to any current student interested in applying. Some of his favorite memories include Notre Dame’s campus-wide traditions and the school’s wide variety of students.

After graduating from Notre Dame, Mr. DePierro soon returned to Don Bosco, where he was hired as a math teacher. Initially, it was an unusual experience to return to his alma mater so soon after graduating. At first, he “got a kick out of working with Mr. Campbell”; however, Mr. DePierro soon settled into his role. For Mr. DePierro to work alongside some of his role models was an “honor” and was the perfect job for him at the time. By returning to Bosco, Mr. DePierro also felt a sense of familiarity, that helped him to feel comfortable in his role, despite being a young, new graduate. Of all his memories of teaching at Don Bosco, Mr. DePierro’s favorite was seeing how his students would rise to the challenges of his course. While not being known as an easy teacher, Mr. DePierro found many students tackled his course with an open mind, and brain, and rose to the occasion, even in the most difficult of circumstances. It is for this reason, and many others, that Mr. DePierro considers Bosco’s student body to be “special”, and that he believes he would not enjoy teaching anywhere else.
Mr. DePierro also wished to pass along the wisdom he has gained over the years to Bosco’s student body. Mr. DePierro especially wanted to ensure that all students know that Don Bosco Prep is a special place. For Mr. DePierro, he believes the people one meets at Don Bosco will be one’s friends for life, and he encourages all students to maintain contact with both their fellow peers and teachers, even after they graduate.
Having now left Don Bosco, this time as a teacher, Mr. DePierro is experimenting with other career paths. Mr. DePierro now works locally as an actuary and has been studying for certifications. When not at work, Mr. DePierro has also been spending more time with his family.